Gardening "To-Do" List
~Apply mulches now-use compost or bark mulch to protect trees and shrubs from winter damage! 2-3" of organic matter mulch works magic on your gardens.

~ Winterize your lawn with G&B Organic Lawn Food, formulated to release fertilizer for your grass as it needs it. A nice layer of Kelloggs Topper over old lawns will revive them.
~ Protect your trees from rubbing and trunk guard chewing animals with bark guards or caging. Now is the time the deer do the most damage rubbing and chewing your trees! After the snowfall, rabbits eat your bark and girdle your trees.
~ Prune trees and shrubs after they lose leaves, heading-back creates bushiness, and thinning creates shape....we have a GREAT selection of pruning books, and Fiskars Loppers & Corona Pruners. PLUS; our staff is always ready to assist you with any questions you might have.
~Use G&B Soil Building Compost for a great mulch!
~Plant trees now. November is still a great time to plant! Select trees and shrubs with red, orange, and yellow fall color...they will do 80% of their annual rooting now!
~Make sure your Glazed Pottery is up off the ground for the winter. Use bricks, wood, or pot feet to keep that bottom from continual freezing and thawing causing cracks.
~Rake and remove leaves from areas where they can rot and create staining and mildew. Insects overwinter on leaves as well, so composting them or taking them to the green waste is the best option.
~Spray your fruit trees with Bonide Orchard Spray to get a jump on maintenance. Anytime leaves are not present is a great time to spray. Saturate stems, branches and the trunk for early prevention of unwanted overwintering insect larvae.